February 6, 2016 10am
Michael Peirce
Carol Conklin
Frances Catanese
Michael Henn
Amy Lloyd
Meeting opened at 10:05am – in attendance were 9 homeowners of Parkshore.
Frances thanked Steve Ginter for his continued help with the financial aspects of the HOA. She also thanked Jamie Stabl who has continued to provide support with the pond, the planting of flowers etc.
Next, Steve Ginter provided a financial update detailing the actual to budget expenses for 2015 and providing the 2016 budget. Once again, the board agreed that the current dues are sufficient to maintain the property and provide for unexpected expenses.
Frances made the group aware that 3 positions were up for renewal, Frances Catanese, Carol Conklin and Amy Lloyd, and that Amy Lloyd would not be running for her position as Secretary again. Donna Tomaro was the only individual who expressed interest in running for the position. Steve Catanese nominated Donna and Mike Chiappi seconded the motion. There were no other nominations or volunteers so vote was by show of hands and unanimous for Donna to assume the vacant position. The positions for Carol and Frances also had a unanimous vote to be retained.
Michael Henn gave an update on the Landscaping bid for 2016. He obtained detailed quotes from three companies and the lowest cost provider was our current Landscaping Company at $4,477.99, which was equal to his 2015 price. Michael has already address the need to keep a close eye on the weed situation for this year and expressed concerns to Dale, the owner that extra attention needs to be paid to the common areas and islands.
Frances reviewed the pole that was hit at the corner of Waukeegan and Montclair and was leaning. Mike Norton, homeowner fixed it temporarily but in the spring the HOA will ensure that it is completely fixed, filling in dirt if needed.
One homeowner expressed concerns about the fading of the stop signs throughout the neighborhood. Frances will contact he township to see what can be done to repair or replace the signs.
Another homeowner asked if the township would be spraying for mosquitoes this year and if not suggested that the board spend some of the current funds to spray. Another homeowner also indicated that we should spray for gypsy moths this year as they are expected to be very bad.
Frances agreed to contact the township and investigate if they will be spraying or if the HOA has the ability to spray.
Frances also indicated that typically in addition to the summer events, we hold a wine party in the first few months. The HOA provides all of the paper produces and each person brings a dish to pass and wine. If you are interested in hosting the wine party in the next few months this year, please contact any of the trustees.
Final business:
Michael Henn has created more welcome kits and need to get a list of all the new homeowners for the last 3 months so he can deliver kits. These kits provide a wealth of information about the community and the HOA. Steve Ginter will provide any names/addresses he has received along with the rest of the board. If you are new to our community and have not received a kit, contact Michael Henn via the website.
No additional business and the meeting adjourned at 10:30am.