Spring Newsletter

Dear Parkshore Residents,
I thought spring was just around the corner until I saw the snow coming down this evening. Hopefully this is our last time to use the shovels . The department stores already are putting out their swimwear so warmer weather has to be coming soon.

A reminder 2017 annual dues need to be paid by March 15th to avoid late fees. Thank you if you have already paid. Please make sure to send them to P.0 Box 431 Lewis Center 43035.

We have had many questions concerning usage of bendable reflectors to protect damage to lawns. We contacted Orange Township for clarification. Beth Hughs has confirmed the township owns a 30 foot right of way from the center of the road along all properties. As homeowners ,it is our responsibility to maintain this easement . Bendable reflector polls are allowed along the roadway only during the winter months, however , no other obstructions such as rocks ,boulders, metal polls , etc are allowed at anytime and will be removed by the township. This is a township ordinance so please remove all reflectors by April 1 .

We would like to have an Easter Egg hunt this year if anyone is willing to host by allowing the hunt to be in their yard. The HOA will provide tidbits , juice boxes and coffee . All participants would need to drop off 1 dozen filled plastic eggs for each child hunting. Please contact Frances if you are interested . You can pick whatever date works for your schedule.

We would also like to have our annual wine and cheese party if anyone is willing to host the event. The HOA provides the paper products and participants are asked to bring an appetizer and beverage to share. Contact Frances if you are interested.

We will again be partnering with the Shores for the annual garage sale on June 2nd and 3rd. More information will follow along with the Flamingo Friday schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact any trustee.
