Dear Parkshore Residents,
Our annual wine party will be this Saturday, April 26 . Kathleen Hadder will be our hostess please bring an appetizer and beverage to share. Kathleen lives At 6294 Highgate Place and the party starts at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
Our annual Garage Sale with the Shores will be next weekend May 2 & 3. We will be placing an ad in the newspaper with directions. Most residents tie balloons onto their mailbox to let the shoppers know they are participating.
Spring is a great time to evaluate your mailbox. We provide stain so please call any trustee to pick up a stain kit for your mailbox.
With the warmer weather please remember to slow down. Children will be playing and people will be walking.
The next newsletter will have our summer event schedule. If you have a new neighbor please give them our website so they can take advantage of all the activities we offer.
Frances Catanese
President Parkshore HOA