April 20, 2015 Board Meeting 7pm

Board meeting was attended by all Trustees:
Michael Peirce, Carol Conklin, Frances Catanese, Michael Henn and Amy Lloyd

Welcome Michael Henn to the board.
First order of business:
Entrance Lighting. Frances provide an update that the lighting replacement will be done by Dale Conklin and Jamie Stabl as soon as the weather holds for several days.

Pond Treatment for the summer: The addition of the aeration equipment installed last summer should reduce the amount of treatments needed. The decision was made not to renew the full contract with 12 treatments, but to have pay month-to-month and assess what will be needed.

Annual Dues: All but one homeowner has paid 2015 dues. The unpaid account already has a balance from previous non-payment. The board agreed to have the management company add this amount to the existing lien on the property, and send the homeowner an updated statement of the total outstanding balance.

Michael Henn will make more welcome kits as we have several homes for sale. He agreed to add a page with some helpful information for new homeowners such as; activities, approximate date of annual dues, and how to get mailbox staining kits.

Michael Peirce will make additional mailbox staining kits that can be obtained after May 1st, by contacting any board member. There are several mailboxes in need of staining and this kit is free to homeowners.

Reminder that the annual garage sale will take place May 1-2 from 10-2 each day. We share the cost of the advertising with The Shores.

Flamingo Fridays are back! Great time to get together with your neighbors. The board will provide a cool treat for the kids and cheese and crackers. You bring a chair, anything you would like to drink and join us at the cul-de-sac.
June 12 Westwick
July 10th Buckman
August 7th – Highgate

Final note: Michael Peirce discussed the concerns expresses by several homeowners that people with pets are not picking up after their pooches. Please make sure you bring bags when you walk your dog and as a courtesy remove your dogs waste. Additionally, dogs must be leashed when walking on any street for everyone’s protection. Please help us keep our neighborhood clean and safe for all.

No additional business. The meeting was adjourned at 8pm