Flamingo Friday

Flamingo Friday will be held:

Buckman Court on 7/8 @ 7pm (popsicles and cheese and crackers provided)

Highgate Court 8/12 @7pm (Kona Ice truck sponsored by Katie Harris)

For the new Residents who have not been to a Flamingo Friday here are the highlights:

No reservation needed

All Family members and pets invited

kids can bring bikes/scooters

Meet and socialize with neighbors

Bring a chair if you would like


A few Reminders:

Trash and recycle Bins are to be screened from view.

Boats and trailers are limited to 24hrs in a 10 day period unless prior authorization from Board

Please BLOW GRASS off street after mowing it is hazardous to Motorcycles, Bikes, Scooters etc.

Many Residents are out walking with children and pets so please drive slowly.

We have received complaints from private drive owners concerning residents that are accessing the private drives to walk dogs, ride bikes etc. Please note that private drives are no different than your personal driveway. Please respect their Privacy.

In addition we have also received complaints regarding fishing at the pond. Since there is no public access please respect that this is private property and may not be accessed without prior owners permission.

Meeting attended by:
Carol Conklin, Frances Catanese, Michael Carsner, Jason Jarell attended by phone

Items Discussed:

New Board Positions:
Carol Conklin- President
Frances Catanese- Vice President
Diane Dietz- Secretary
Jason Jarell- Trustee
Michael Carsner- Trustee

>Legal action will be taken against a resident who has not paid for several years. Jason will get contact information from attorney to process in small claims court.

>Complaints addressed about Rumpke leaving broken glass throughout the development. Since the contract is handled by Orange Township complaints should be made to both Rumpke and the Township.

>Discussion was brought up that all emails regarding the DRB or the HOA should be copied to all board members to keep everyone informed.

>Flamingo Friday dates are:
Buckman cul-de-sac 7/8
Highgate Place 8/12

>Multiple issues discussed concerning excess water and rut damage at the entrance. Frances met with Delaware County Engineer and has notes on this subject. We are also in the process of contacting Orange Township for more information on the new section of the bike path. We are investigating if the drainage issue was caused by poor installation of the storm sewer.

>Westwick was recently paved and is already lifting. We are contacting Orange Township for a resolution.

>Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm

Egg Hunt

Our Egg hunt will be this Sunday, April 10th at 2:30pm (rescheduled from rainy Friday, April 8th)! Please drop off 12 filled eggs for each hunter participating at 6291 Highgate Pl. You can place the eggs at the front door! We look forward to seeing everyone there!

HOA trustees


Happy February to everyone! We sent out invoices yesterday for our dues. They will be due in March. Please also take time to fill in your email so we can better communicate with everyone!

parkshore trustees