Parkshore HOA Board Meeting Minutes December 1, 2021 7pm

Members in attendance were: Jason Jarrell (president), Carol Conklin (vice president), Frances Catanese(trustee), Mike Carsner(trustee) and Stephanie Smith (secretary).

Refiling of current liens were discussed. We are in contact with our attorneys to make sure this is done correctly.

The board also discussed a few new family friendly activities to add to our calendar over the next year. One being the Easter egg hunt, another being a bike parade for the 4th of July, also a family turkey trot and lastly the neighborhood hayride!

Our luminary walk will be held on Saturday, December 18th at 6pm with a rain date for the 19th at the same time. This year we will have hot cocoa and cookie stations! One on Greeley, Spinnaker and Buckman. I believe Santa will even make an appearance at the Buckman station! If you can, please light your luminaries at 5:30pm. Otherwise, the board will make sure they are all lit on time! We will drive around and make sure they’re lit before the walk starts. Also, if possible, please dispose of the luminaries the next morning. Again, if not, we will be around to make sure they’re cleaned up. 

It was also discussed to order a new sandwich board for Spinnaker. It was approved and purchased. Also purchased were more bows and ribbon to place on the poles for Christmas.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm.

– Parkshore Trustees

Irrigation Winterization 2021

Dear Parkshore Residents,

We are in contract with Greenlawn to provide a discounted rate for those residents needing winterization for their sprinkler systems. Our group day will be Saturday October 23rd. The discount rate of $70 will only be offered on this day. If you schedule any other  date it will be the normal fee of $85. Please email me at to sign up for this service. Please include your name, address, and phone number. I will respond back via email confirming addition to the list. We will need to have the list to Greenlawn by October 16th. 

Thank you!,

Jason Jarrell

Kona Ice

Hello Parkshore Neighbors,

A friendly reminder that the Kona Ice truck will be in our neighborhood, Wednesday, August 11th from 4:30 to 5:30.

The truck will set up at the entrance to Greeley Ct.

We hope you are able to come out and enjoy this treat with your fellow Parkshore neighbors.

Parkshore Upcoming Events

Lots of upcoming events! Mark your calendars:

Sunday, August 8th: Mersh’s Food Truck, 9-1pm
Wednesday, August 11th: Kona Ice, 4:30-5:30pm Wednesday, September 8th: Pitabilities Food Truck, 5-7:30pm
Tuesday, November 9th: Cousin’s Maine Lobster, 5-7:30pm

**All food trucks will be located at the corner of Waukeegan and Greeley Ct.

Parkshore Upcoming Events

Parkshore Garage Sale: Friday, June 4, 9am – 2pm & Saturday, June 5, 9am – 2pm
Join us for the neighborhood Garage Sale later this month. This will be the same weekend as The Shores to hopefully generate a great turn-out. Marking your mailboxes with balloons or signs to indicate your participation will be helpful to those driving through.

Mersh’s Food Truck: Sunday, June 13th from 9-1pm.
Mersh’s Food Truck has a great selection of breakfast items to enjoy. They will be parked near the intersection of Greeley Court and Waukeegan Avenue, Sunday, June 13th. Don’t miss out on the Blueberries for Sal French Toast Waffles or a nice Cold Brew Coffee to start your day!

Sticky Fingers: Thursday, June 24th from 6-8pm
Again, near the intersection of Greeley Court and Waukeegan Avenue, Sticky Fingers is brining their sweet treats our way. Mark your calendar!

Neighborhood Food Truck

**Mersh’s Food Truck ~ Monday, April 26 from 5:30pm – 8pm**

Bringing a coffee lovers perfect cup of drip coffee and a wide range of breakfast selections crafted with foodie passion!

Swing by Waukeegan and Greeley Court to enjoy breakfast for dinner!

Check out their menu below:…

Parkshore Facebook Page

Dear Parkshore Residents,

As we navigate through this time of uncertainty regarding the coronavirus we would like to extend an invitation to connect all neighbors through a Parkshore Neighborhood Facebook page to make sure all are safe and have any support, if necessary.  We have created a Parkshore Neighborhood adult Facebook page for anyone in the 145 households within Parkshore. If you are interested in joining the group it is titled: Parkshore Neighborhood Group.

There will be an administrator of the Facebook page that will monitor for appropriate content and allow for the privacy of others by not admitting anyone to the site that does not reside in Parkshore. If there is anything you would like to see posted to the site, any suggestions for improvement, or any posts you feel are not appropriate please let us know.  You can reach us at


Parkshore Trustees

Important Pond Information

Dear Parkshore Lot Owner,

Over the years, it has been communicated to residents of Parkshore that they are allowed to fish in the stormwater retention basin that is located behind the homes on Buckman Street and Westwick Place.  Recently, we worked with the Association’s legal counsel to research the Association’s legal obligations with respect to the basin.   We have determined that there is an easement that is granted to the Association to maintain the basin, there is no easement granted to Parkshore owners to enter onto the lots owned by individual owners surrounding the basin.  As a result, anyone who enters onto an owner’s lot so that they can access the basin to fish may be considered trespassing.

Based on this information, we want to clarify that the Association cannot grant residents of Parkshore permission to enter onto another owner’s lot to access the basin.  It is up to the discretion of the residents who own property that includes the basin, to allow access to the basin that is on their property.


Parkshore HOA Trustees

Mailer from Associa – Real Property Management

The Board would like to apologize for any confusion regarding the mailer that was received from Associa – Real Property Management.  The information received was not in the format, nor of the direction that was presented to them. The specific instructions provided were to mail the notices out to each homeowner referencing only their mailbox.  At this time the Board is still investigating, but we are told that only the Buckman Street mailbox evaluations were received.   The Buckman Street mailbox evaluation spreadsheet was mistakenly sent and the blank form should have been completed with your mailbox condition. 

The board is in the process of evaluating how to rectify this issue as well as working on an alternative to avoid this type of situation recurring. 

Parkshore HOA Trustees

Spring Newsletter

It appears Spring is finally here, and soon everyone will be out enjoying the warmer weather. We have had a few new families join the neighborhood over the winter months. Please join us in welcoming any new resident to the neighborhood.

We are hopeful that these communications are helpful with providing information that occurs throughout the community. Please do not hesitate with providing suggestions for information you would like to see in future newsletters.

Parkshore Web:

Although there are instances where we may need to send hardcopy mailers, it is our intent to move to be “Green” with our communications moving forward. Our plan is to email as much information as possible and to post pertinent information to the Parkshore HOA website at  Please spread the word and encourage your neighbors to visit the website to register for communications and find all relevant HOA information. As a reminder emails are not shared and you are free to unsubscribe at any time. Your privacy is important to us. Signing up is easy by going to the Parkshore website at and following the directions at “sign up to receive email updates.”


Everyone will be receiving a mailer with information about updating the directory for the residents of Parkshore. The directory will include the publicly available name and address of the home owner(s) and with your interest and permission we can include a phone number(s) in the directory. In addition to your phone number(s), if you have interest in including information for anyone in your household who is available for neighborhood jobs such as mailbox painting, dog walking, and/or babysitting, please send an email to the trustees with the information you would like to have published to

Social Committee:

Now is the time to form a Social Committee to take advantage of the Spring and soon to be Summer. Everyone will receive information in the mailer about signing up. The Social Committee will help with bringing the neighborhood together through planned and organized events. For those that are interested in being on the Social Committee please contact the Parkshore Board at


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents that have maintained or recently completed the necessary repairs or replacement of their mailbox. There are still, however, some mailboxes that need to be either repaired and stained or replaced and stained. We will be sending notices to residents whose mailboxes do not comply with the standards outlined in the Declaration of Covenants. As a reminder the stain for the mailboxes is provided by the HOA free of charge. If you need mailbox stain, please contact any board member at Information pertaining to mailbox maintenance can be located on the Parkshore HOA website at

Please be mindful of the posted speed limit throughout the community.

More and more children, dog walkers and people are on the streets with Spring here to take advantage of the nicer weather. Since the neighborhood does not have sidewalks, please drive slowly through the neighborhood.

As a reminder, if you are considering any changes to your property, the Parkshore Covenant Architectural Standard requires that the proposed changes be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. The application for submitting these proposed changes can be found on the Parkshore HOA website at

Also, as a reminder the $125.00 annual HOA fees were due no later than March 10, to avoid a late fee. Thanks to all who have paid their fees by this deadline.


Due to the age and deterioration of the street signs throughout Parkshore, we are obtaining quotes to have them repaired or replaced through Cedar Craft.  Cedar Craft also has a remedy to avoid damage to the new posts by placing a galvanized wrap on the bottom of the post, eliminating damage from mowing and trimming.

As always if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the board members.

Parkshore HOA Board