Parkshore HOA Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2013 7pm
Dale Conklin, Carol Conklin, Frances Catanese, Amy Lloyd
Guests: Josh Whalen and Michael Pierce
Josh Whalen and Michael Pierce attended to discuss their interest in the open board positions. Michael has participated in HOA boards in previous places he lived. Josh has participated as a board member for a non-profit organization.
Reviewed typical meeting schedule and attendees provided their background information.
1st order of business:
Confirmed Annual meeting to be held at 10am on February 23rd at Orange Township Hall. Frances will put the sign up at the entrance Thursday or Friday before the meeting as a reminder.
2nd order of business:
Dale is going to recheck the renewal of the Liability insurance for the board members.
3rd order of business:
Kids were recently skating on the pond without it being frozen over, they would not get off the ice, so the police were informed. They assessed the situation and asked the kids to leave. Dale brought up the question of placing a sign(s) around the pond to prevent skating, boating or other activities. Discussed this possibility and agreed that Dale would check with the Management company for a recommendation.
4th order of business:
House on Waukeegan appears to be building and/or redoing a deck. No plans were submitted. Per the recent letter that was sent out, Dale will have the Management company contact the homeowner and begin charges if necessary.
Final order of business:
Set March 9th for Wine Party – will be included in reminder email about board meeting. Harry and Amy Lloyd to host again this year.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.