2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

Parkshore HOA Annual Meeting

February 23, 2013 10am

Meeting opened with an introduction of the existing board members: Frances Catanese, Dale Conklin, Carol Conklin and Amy Lloyd, Dennis Rowda (absent).   Each homeowner in attendance also introduced themselves.

Carol Conklin began with a review of the design board and their purpose.  She described how and where to obtain approval for property changes.

Steve reviewed the Financial summary covering the balances and expected expenditures.  The financial summary was approved.

Question was raised about tree replacement, especially ash trees.  Frances explained that only trees in common areas were the responsibility of the HOA.  There were trees on Buckman identified as potentially in need of removal that would be the responsibility of the HOA.  Frances will investigate.

The sign posts appear to need staining.  Dale will secure bids to stain the sign posts.

Several people expressed the need to stain their mailboxes and Frances said she could provide the correct stain, purchased by the HOA, to anyone who needed it.

The next event is the Wine party on March 9th at 7pm. Harry and Amy Lloyd to host again this year.  Adults bring wine and an appetizer.  The HOA will provide paper products and water.

The dates for summer events including Flamingo Friday will be determined and posted shortly.  Dale and Carol Conklin agreed to host the pool party/BBQ again this summer and turnout will determine if this will be continued. Suggestions for other events were discussed, one idea was an Easter egg hunt. Looking for a volunteer to host/coordinate that event.

One homeowner suggested that a reminder be sent about keeping dogs on a leash and cleaning up after your dog.  He has seen an increase in uncontrolled dogs as he is walking. A reminder will be posted on the web site.

Frances discussed the open board positions and the candidates who were interested.

Dale Conklin’s term was up as was Dennis Rowda’s.

Dale Conklin, Dennis Rowda and Michael Pierce were the three candidates up for consideration for the two open positions.

Each attendee voted by write-in ballot and after final count, Dale Conklin retained his position and Michael Pierce was voted in as a new member of the board, replacing Dennis Rowda.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:55am.