September 1, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Parkshore HOA Board Meeting minutes
September 1, 2015 7:15pm

Carol Conklin
Michael Peirce
Michael Henn
Frances Catanese
Amy Lloyd

Michael Henn noted that he will need to make several more welcome kits with all of the new home owners and homes for sale. The board discussed the need to reprint the directory and agreed that one reprinting per year would be done during annual dues/meeting time.

Discussion regarding several homes with improvements that have not been submitted to the Design board – Carol, as representative of both board and Design review board will send the list of currently approved projects to the Trustees. Board agreed to have the Management company send violation letters to any unapproved projects.

Discussion regarding the letter sent by a homeowner who recently received a violation letter regarding removal of his lamp post. Board reviewed the Declarations and Covenants and will have the Management company respond.

Michael Peirce distributed more mailbox stain kits and noted that many homeowners have sought stain. The board agreed to conduct the annual inspection of mailboxes and send letters to homeowners who need to repair, replace or paint their mailbox.

Michael Peirce noted that Specialty Gas House, (614) 261-0824 has parts and mantles for the gas lamps. He had a few homeowners ask for the contact. Board agreed to post their information to the website.

Board discussed need for Aqua Docs to treat the pond. All agreed this should be done and are pleased with the significant reduction in treatments needed due to the new filters.

Michael Henn noted that it was time to send a bid request for landscaping and would like the placement of mulch detailed better by the current provider. It was noted that one of the stone on the wall was slightly out of place. The board members agreed that we would address in the coming week.

Discussion regarding Management company and their recommendation to have a review done of the complete Declarations and Covenants by an attorney as they are now 20 years old and may have elements that could conflict with State or local laws. Board agreed and Frances will contact the two suggested attorneys provided by the Management Company.

There is still an issue with drainage at the entrance noted by Matt from Hidden Springs, who takes care of the sprinkler systems. He will check with Del-Co water if it is not dry in the next several days as there may be an issue they will need address.

No additional business was discussed and the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

2014 Annual Meeting minutes

Annual Meeting
February 22, 2014 10am
Orange Township Hall

Trustees were all in attendance

  • Michael Peirce
  • Dale Conklin
  • Carol Conklin
  • Frances Catanese
  • Amy Lloyd

Meeting opened with Michael Peirce discussing the new website and features.  The new site provides the opportunity for homeowners to add or update themselves allowing us to keep current on email addresses.  The new site will reduce the cost by eliminating the need to pay a hosting fee.  The only remaining cost will be the domain name retention fee of approximately $15/year. The work by Michael and his wife Kathleen is much appreciated and the new site looks great.

Next was a financial review by Steve Ginter.  The financial summary was distributed to all attending homeowners.  The ending balance for 2013 was $2,748.01 more than projected.  This was primarily due to lower cost of lawn services. Mr. Zuelke asked what the board felt was the right amount to hold?  He felt that the current amount, approximately 1.5x the dues was accurate, but if it increased beyond 2X then we should consider adjusting annual dues.  Both Dale and Amy offered examples of potential needs in the next year or two, including work on the retention pond bordering Waukeegan and Buckman homes, that will dip into the reserves and the work on the pipes and signs at the entrance.  After some discussion, Mr. Zuelke said he was satisfied with the explanation and agreed with the current decision to maintain dues as is.

Frances discussed the paving that has been promised by Orange Township and she has an email from Debbie Taranto – Orange Twp. Board member that we will be first on the list for paving this year.

The trustees are going to publish an updated directory and ask that if you want your email and phone number included you send an email with that information.  Otherwise, only your name and address will be included.  We talked about the potential of keeping it updated on the website and will discuss the option to password protect that section to only homeowners.

Events for 2014:

Looking for a volunteer to host an Easter Egg Hunt?  If you are interested please contact Frances Catanese

Kathleen Hadder will host the annual Wine Party this year on April 26th.  Please bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer to share.

Mr. Ginter asked about replacing the tree in the circle on Highgate.  Mike Chiappi has agreed to spearhead this operation and the trustees have approved funds for tree replacement.  The board would also like to thank Jamie Stabl for all of his help in beatification of the neighborhood.  He has helped plant flowers and do clean up at the entrance many times.  Michael Peirce said that he has stain kits made up for mailboxes if anyone needs one see him.  The stain is non-standard and can be difficult to locate.  The board purchased a gallon and made up kits for homeowners. The stain kit is at no cost to the home owner.

The meeting moved to voting for 3 open positions; Frances Catanese, Carol Conklin and Amy Lloyd.  All three board members expressed interest in remaining on the board in addition to two other  homeowners expressed interest in becoming trustees; Mike Henn and Lori Henn.   Mike Henn talked about his desire to get involved now that he was more familiar with neighborhood and suggested that he would like to do more to help new homeowners by creating a welcome packet. Lori also said she would like to get more involved.

Michael Peirce passed out ballots, voting was 1 per household.  He also tallied the votes with all three current board members retaining their seats.  Each term is for two years.

Mr. Henn offered to take on developing a welcome committee/kit.

Last discussion was the domestic geese that have invaded the pond.  They are noisy and becoming a nuisance.  They chase many of the small children in the area and becoming more aggressive.  Mr. Stabl spoke with the DNR who indicated that unless we could find the people responsible for bringing them here, we couldn’t do anything about removing them.  We could destroy any nests to prevent the increase in population.  One homeowner indicated that he thought someone was feeding them, but didn’t know who.  The trustees agreed to try and find out who brought them here, so we could ask that they be moved before further problems.

There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 10:45am.

2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

Parkshore HOA Annual Meeting

February 23, 2013 10am

Meeting opened with an introduction of the existing board members: Frances Catanese, Dale Conklin, Carol Conklin and Amy Lloyd, Dennis Rowda (absent).   Each homeowner in attendance also introduced themselves.

Carol Conklin began with a review of the design board and their purpose.  She described how and where to obtain approval for property changes.

Steve reviewed the Financial summary covering the balances and expected expenditures.  The financial summary was approved.

Question was raised about tree replacement, especially ash trees.  Frances explained that only trees in common areas were the responsibility of the HOA.  There were trees on Buckman identified as potentially in need of removal that would be the responsibility of the HOA.  Frances will investigate.

The sign posts appear to need staining.  Dale will secure bids to stain the sign posts.

Several people expressed the need to stain their mailboxes and Frances said she could provide the correct stain, purchased by the HOA, to anyone who needed it.

The next event is the Wine party on March 9th at 7pm. Harry and Amy Lloyd to host again this year.  Adults bring wine and an appetizer.  The HOA will provide paper products and water.

The dates for summer events including Flamingo Friday will be determined and posted shortly.  Dale and Carol Conklin agreed to host the pool party/BBQ again this summer and turnout will determine if this will be continued. Suggestions for other events were discussed, one idea was an Easter egg hunt. Looking for a volunteer to host/coordinate that event.

One homeowner suggested that a reminder be sent about keeping dogs on a leash and cleaning up after your dog.  He has seen an increase in uncontrolled dogs as he is walking. A reminder will be posted on the web site.

Frances discussed the open board positions and the candidates who were interested.

Dale Conklin’s term was up as was Dennis Rowda’s.

Dale Conklin, Dennis Rowda and Michael Pierce were the three candidates up for consideration for the two open positions.

Each attendee voted by write-in ballot and after final count, Dale Conklin retained his position and Michael Pierce was voted in as a new member of the board, replacing Dennis Rowda.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:55am.

February 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Parkshore HOA Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2013 7pm


Dale Conklin, Carol Conklin, Frances Catanese, Amy Lloyd

Guests:  Josh Whalen and Michael Pierce

Josh Whalen and Michael Pierce attended to discuss their interest in the open board positions.  Michael has participated in HOA boards in previous places he lived.  Josh has participated as a board member for a non-profit organization.

Reviewed typical meeting schedule and attendees provided their background information.

1st order of business:

Confirmed Annual meeting to be held at 10am on February 23rd at Orange Township Hall.  Frances will put the sign up at the entrance Thursday or Friday before the meeting as a reminder.

2nd order of business:

Dale is going to recheck the renewal of the Liability insurance for the board members.

3rd order of business:

Kids were recently skating on the pond without it being frozen over, they would not get off the ice, so the police were informed.  They assessed the situation and asked the kids to leave.  Dale brought up the question of placing a sign(s) around the pond to prevent skating, boating or other activities.   Discussed this possibility and agreed that Dale would check with the Management company for a recommendation.

4th order of business:

House on Waukeegan appears to be building and/or redoing a deck.  No plans were submitted.  Per the recent letter that was sent out, Dale will have the Management company contact the homeowner and begin charges if necessary.

Final order of business:

Set March 9th for Wine Party – will be included in reminder email about board meeting. Harry and Amy Lloyd to host again this year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.