Dear Parkshore Residents,
With the Holiday weekend approaching summer must be on its way! I would like to congratulate all the graduates and their families. We wish them the best as they start the next chapter in their life.
To kick off summer we will be starting our Flamingo Friday schedule. We hope to see you the first Friday of each summer month. The schedule will be Westwick June 2, Buckman July 8, Greeley Court August 4.
Our garage sale will be June 2nd and 3rd along with the Shores. We have placed an ad in the paper with the hours of 9-2 but you are welcome to adjust your hours to fit your schedule.
In order to maintain the standards of Parkshore and to keep everyone’s property values up we will be assessing color and conditions of mailboxes. If you have missing or broken pieces please replace the box. Mailboxes can be purchased from Cedar Craft (614-759-1600) or from Rousch hardware in Westerville. If you just need stain you may contact any trustee for a free kit.
If you are planning any home improvement project please remember it must be pre approved by the design review board before work can begin. All the needed forms and information are on the Parkshore website.
Please remember with the nice weather kids will be playing in the streets as well as people walking. The posted speed limit is 25 so please slow down.
As always if you have any concerns please feel free to contact any trustee.